Where to find me...May 19 Books & Co. Join me and leave with some tips about connecting with your readers by building characters that matter.
October 28th CONFERENCE! Join me and April Wilson for a full day of the business side of writing. Contact me for details!
October 27: I will be at the Dayton Literary Peace Prize with John Irving, Hala Alyn, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and more luminaries. A fabulous night. LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH IS THE MIAMI VALLEY WRITERS' SUPPORT NETWORK meeting! Don't miss this monthly free get together of writers who write! Check us out on FB for location and times. OCTOBER workshop sign ups are open now as well. AWW Summer 2018 Workshop! Come visit and register or just come for the evening programs which are free and open to the public!
Join me at the SECOND ANNUAL STONE'S THROW WRITING RETREAT in Maine June 17-21st or check us out on Facebook!
I am honored to be asked back by the Antioch Writers' Workshop for their afternoon series for July 14-20th. Fun, fun, fun! Check it out here at AWW!
Faculty as AWW's Spring Seminar, March 25th. Read more here! AWW
Speaker at Books & Co. Jan. 15th, 2017 2:00-3:30 pm Workshop on POV! At all the 2016 Dayton Literary Peace Prize Events in November! Saturday, April 16th - Holmes, Doyle, & Friends sponsored by the Agra Treasurers of Dayton, Ohio. Guest presenter and book signing, IN THE DEAD OF WINTER Friday, April 29th Epic Book Shop in Yellow Springs. Guest author signing AZIMUTHS and IN THE DEAD OF WINTER Come and join us for wine and appetizers from 6:30-8:00. Sunday May 22 - Conan Doyle Birthday Party at The Booksellers at Austin Landing. I will be reading from IN THE DEAD OF WINTERand signing books and sharing my collection of Holmesian artifacts.... Dec. 1, Delirius. Azimtuhs out. Dec. 5, 2:00 pm Reading from Azimuths. Yellow Springs Library 247 Xenia Avenue Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Dec. 10 7:00pm Book signing and disscussion Books & Co, The Greene, 4453 Glengarry Dr, Beavercreek, OH 45440 Dec. 15 On line Q&A with Hallie Ephron at Jundle Red Writers January 17 "Nuts & Bolts of Publishing," Sunday, January 17, 2:00-3:30 p.m. at Books & Co. at The Greene... Saturday, February 6, 2016 AZIMUTHS reading and signing at The Booksellers at Austin Landing 2:00 pm Saturday night Feb. 6, Fifth Street Brewpub fund raiser for Antioch Writer's Workshop. I'll be pouring! March 5 - Wright Public Library Guest author signing AZIMUTHS and IN THE DEAD OF WINTER along with many other writers. Comes and join us from 2:00- 4:00pm! |
...and you keep writing!If you feel like you've got a book in you, a memoir, a nonfiction piece or insights into business, art, culture, and you need coaching or editing, please see my services!