Hone craft, eat food, and look at water.
Enjoy the a writers retreat like no other. Small, intimate, supportive no matter what your genre.
Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, memoir, and screenwriting, will all be discussed depending on what you want to pursue.
Sunday afternoon begins with meeting everyone and a small sampling of everyone’s writing. Dinner is on us.
Monday-Thursday mornings begin at 8:00 with breakfast included and we will work through until 1:00 in two small groups. Afternoons you are on your own to write, explore beautiful Tenant’s Harbor, walk beaches or ride into neighboring Rockland, Rockport or Camden to shop, grab some dinner or go to museums.(The kitchen will be stocked with food for lunch.)
Thursday evening the local Tenant’s Harbor Library will host a reading from our group. You may choose to participate or not. (By this time you’ll be so empowered, you’ll want to be the first at the podium!)
Becky and Lori will provide Sunday’s dinner, and all breakfasts (let us know about food allergies or special considerations), and the kitchen will be stocked with food for you to put together your own lunch. Dinners are of your choice at many of the local restaurants or drive into Thomaston or Rockland for more variety and brew pubs.
Sunday: Registration 3:00-5:00. Dinner at 6:00
Monday-Thursday: Morning workshops 9:00-1:00 (breakfast will be available starting at 8:00).
Thursday evening: Reading 4:00-6:00 pm
Rooming details: We have room for four individuals or three individuals and a couple (total of five) for a residential program of $650.00. If you are local or prefer to seek your own lodging, program costs are $425.00. We have 5-10 slots available.
Rebecca Morean writes under the names Rebecca Morean, R. A. Morean and Abbey Pen Baker. She has an M.A. from SUNY Stoneybrook, with a creative writing emphasis. She is an award winning fiction and nonfiction writer. She has worked with authors writing memoir, mystery, romance, sci-fi, and screenplays, and well as scientists and business leaders. Her own work has earned a Strand International Short Fiction Award, starred reviews in Kirkus Reviews and Publisher’s Weekly, and numerous SIBA nominations. A national John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Award honors her dedication to mentoring writers. Lee Martin, Pulitzer Prize finalist, describes her writing as “. . . spot on lyrical and full of grit exactly when it needs to be.” Featured on NBC’s Chronicles, she has also interviewed with NPR, and guest blogged on sites hosted by Laurie R. King, and Halley Ephron, among others. She is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Romance Writers of America, Poets and Writers, the Writers’ Guild, as well as numerous scientific, education, arts, and social justice organizations.
Lori Gravley is a writer and teacher with an MFA in poetry from the University of Texas at El Paso. She has taught writing around the country and on three continents. Her poetry has appeared in numerous anthologies and journals including Jabberwock Review, SOFTBLOW, and Ekphrasis. In addition to poetry for adults, she writes poetry and fiction for children and young adults. Nominated for a PUSHCART and BEST NEW POETS, she is an accomplished writer and mentor. A registered yoga teacher, she enhances creative and student-centered teaching with gentle movement. See more at Lori's site.
Hone craft, eat food, and look at water.
Enjoy the a writers retreat like no other. Small, intimate, supportive no matter what your genre.
Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, memoir, and screenwriting, will all be discussed depending on what you want to pursue.
Sunday afternoon begins with meeting everyone and a small sampling of everyone’s writing. Dinner is on us.
Monday-Thursday mornings begin at 8:00 with breakfast included and we will work through until 1:00 in two small groups. Afternoons you are on your own to write, explore beautiful Tenant’s Harbor, walk beaches or ride into neighboring Rockland, Rockport or Camden to shop, grab some dinner or go to museums.(The kitchen will be stocked with food for lunch.)
Thursday evening the local Tenant’s Harbor Library will host a reading from our group. You may choose to participate or not. (By this time you’ll be so empowered, you’ll want to be the first at the podium!)
Becky and Lori will provide Sunday’s dinner, and all breakfasts (let us know about food allergies or special considerations), and the kitchen will be stocked with food for you to put together your own lunch. Dinners are of your choice at many of the local restaurants or drive into Thomaston or Rockland for more variety and brew pubs.
Sunday: Registration 3:00-5:00. Dinner at 6:00
Monday-Thursday: Morning workshops 9:00-1:00 (breakfast will be available starting at 8:00).
Thursday evening: Reading 4:00-6:00 pm
Rooming details: We have room for four individuals or three individuals and a couple (total of five) for a residential program of $650.00. If you are local or prefer to seek your own lodging, program costs are $425.00. We have 5-10 slots available.
Rebecca Morean writes under the names Rebecca Morean, R. A. Morean and Abbey Pen Baker. She has an M.A. from SUNY Stoneybrook, with a creative writing emphasis. She is an award winning fiction and nonfiction writer. She has worked with authors writing memoir, mystery, romance, sci-fi, and screenplays, and well as scientists and business leaders. Her own work has earned a Strand International Short Fiction Award, starred reviews in Kirkus Reviews and Publisher’s Weekly, and numerous SIBA nominations. A national John & Suanne Roueche Excellence Award honors her dedication to mentoring writers. Lee Martin, Pulitzer Prize finalist, describes her writing as “. . . spot on lyrical and full of grit exactly when it needs to be.” Featured on NBC’s Chronicles, she has also interviewed with NPR, and guest blogged on sites hosted by Laurie R. King, and Halley Ephron, among others. She is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Romance Writers of America, Poets and Writers, the Writers’ Guild, as well as numerous scientific, education, arts, and social justice organizations.
Lori Gravley is a writer and teacher with an MFA in poetry from the University of Texas at El Paso. She has taught writing around the country and on three continents. Her poetry has appeared in numerous anthologies and journals including Jabberwock Review, SOFTBLOW, and Ekphrasis. In addition to poetry for adults, she writes poetry and fiction for children and young adults. Nominated for a PUSHCART and BEST NEW POETS, she is an accomplished writer and mentor. A registered yoga teacher, she enhances creative and student-centered teaching with gentle movement. See more at Lori's site.
JOIN US! It's easy. Just download your REGISTRATION FORM BELOW (it has a secure link to PAYPAL and a link to email it back to us.) We will follow up with you to confirm resident/nonresident and menu preferences. If you have any questions, contact [email protected] or call Rebecca at 937-238-8533

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